특허법인 남앤남

Nobuhide AZUMA

Trademark Attorney (AU)

Nobuhide AZUMA

Trademark Attorney (AU)

  • 02-6714-1045
  • azuma@nampat.co.kr
  • Japanese / Korean / English


  • Registered Trademark Attorney (AU)
  • Japan IPP Analyst (2014)
  • APAA (Asian Patent Attorney Association)
  • University of Technology Sydney(AU), Graduate Certificate in Trade Mark Law and Practice (2019)
  • University of Bridgeport (US), MS in Mechanical Engineering (1998)
  • Sunmoon University (KR), BS in Mechanical Engineering (1996)


  • 02-6714-1045
  • azuma@nampat.co.kr
Technical Expertise
  • Technical editing, translation (KR/JP/US)
  • Patent, trademark, design
Professional Expertise
  • ● Professional Career :
  • Consulting the filing, prosecution and maintenance of patent application in KR/JP
  • Consulting the filing, prosecution and maintenance of trademark application in KR/JP
  • Consulting the filing, prosecution and maintenance of design application in KR/JP
  • Consulting the negotiation and agreement for IP issues (co-existence, licensing, etc.)
  • Conducting and editing the technical translation of patent specification and materials (KR/JP/US)
  • ● Others :
  • APAA Annual Meeting Member (2015 ~ 2024)
  • Hanyang Patent & Law Firm, Translator and Consultant (2007 ~ 2013)
  • Designmecha Co., Ltd. (2000 ~ 2007) (R&D, IP manager)
  • Thesis, A development of an automated super surface finishing system for the 3D sculptured surface of mold and dies using ultrasonic micro burnishing technology (Proceeding of the 32nd ISR, 2001)
  • Thesis, Nano structured surface modification of tool steel and its beneficial effects in mechanical properties (Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2005)
  • Lecture, how to take actions against copied or similar trademark application (JETRO Seoul, 2021)
  • Lecture, how to utilize KIPRIS’s database, (JETRO Seoul, 2022)

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