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Practice Notes

The influence of functional parts when determining design similarity

When determining the similarity of designs, how is the court’s judgement affected when a design element has commonality with a functional element? A recent Supreme Court decision allows some insight into this question. Existing Precedent The determination of whether designs are similar should be judged not by separating and contrasting the individual elements, but instead in accordance with the aesthetic sensibilities of a viewer observing and contrasting the designs as a whole. However, in the case that the common parts of both designs are an intrinsic part of the product, or a basic/functional form of the design, such parts should be given low importance and the compared designs cannot immediately be deemed identical or similar based only on the identity/similarity of such parts. (Supreme Court Decision 2003Hu1666; October 14, 2005.) Decision 2016Hu1710 Per existing precedent, in Decision 2016Hu1710 (September 3, 2020), a case relating to cargo vehicle toolbox designs, the Supreme Court ruled that in the case that the common parts of both designs are an intrinsic part of the product, or a basic/functional form of the design, such parts should be given low importance. However, the court additionally ruled that if it is possible to select an alternative form which can secure the function of the product (see Fig. 3 below), such form is not essential in securing the function of the product and is instead simply related to the function, and so such part should not be given low importance when determining the similarity of designs just because it is related to the function. Fig. 1: Registered design Fig. 2: Preceding design In this case specifically, the court stated that the registered design in question and the preceding design have the following in common: The rectangular incision groove formed in the upper left corner of the body (Fig. 1 [1]; Fig. 2 [a]). The upper left part of the hinged door formed in the front of the body is cut at a 45º angle (Fig. 1 [2]; Fig. 2 [b]). A long inclined surface about the width of the hinged door is formed on the upper part of the body located at the top of the hinged door (Fig. 1 [3]; Fig. 2 [c]). A hemispherical concave groove is formed obliquely at the rear center of the right side of the body (Fig. 1 [4]; Fig. 2 [d]). The court stated that the parts in common were not seen as being essential in securing the function of the cargo vehicle toolbox, and in commerce, it is expected that consumers would consider the aesthetics of the designs as a whole, including the features of the above parts in common. Accordingly, such parts should not be given low importance when determining the similarity of the designs just because they are related to the function, or are not visible after installation, and the similarity of the designs should be judged in accordance with the aesthetic sensibility felt when observing the designs as a whole, including such common parts. The court went on to rule that while the registered design in question and the preceding design differ in respect of the following, when observed as a whole, the designs are aesthetically similar and thus are regarded as being similar designs: The narrow band protruding at the lower part of the concave elevation (Fig. 1 [5]) vs. no such protruding band (Fig. 2 [e]). The rectangular concave surface formed in a horizontally long rectangle on the front of the hinged door (Fig. 1 [6]) vs. the concave elevation being pentagonal, with triangular shapes protruding symmetrically on both sides of the concave elevation (Fig. 2 [f]). The palm-of-the-hand-shaped figure and ‘5000’ text expressed on the left side of the body and the lower right side of the hinged door (Fig. 1 [7]) vs. no such parts (Fig. 2 [g]). Take-aways  Looking at this precedent, we may understand that the registered design in question is not strictly necessary to secure the function, and rather, as there exists a selectable alternative form (e.g. the known design shown in Fig. 3), the registered design in question is not seen as being essential in securing the function of the cargo vehicle toolbox, and so should not be given low importance when determining the similarity between designs. Fig. 3: Known design example In principle, if the common part of designs being compared is a basic or functional form of the product that has been widely used before the filing date of either design in the field to which the designs belong, the court should give low importance to such part when determining similarity. However, if the common part is not essential in securing the function of the product, when determining similarity between designs, the designs should be considered as a whole, including such part. Therefore, if there is commonality between a to-be-applied-for design and an existing design, where such common part is a basic or functional form of the product that has been widely used in the field to which the designs belong, it is necessary to consider (i) whether the designs differ except for such part, and (ii) if the common part is not essential, whether the to-be-applied-for design as a whole, including such part, offers a different aesthetic sensibility to the existing design.     Written by Jae-sang LIM

Practice Notes

IP Marking in Korea: Risks and Benefits

There is no obligation to mark your IP rights on products in South Korea. Whether to do so is at the discretion of the IP owner, and there are no direct negative legal consequences arising from failure to indicate IP rights. Patentees, for example, can seek damages from the patent grant date regardless of whether their patent is indicated, and any person who infringes a patent shall be presumed negligent regarding such infringement no matter whether the patent is marked on the product or not. Nevertheless, indicating IP rights does grant some legal benefits, which will be discussed below. Also, from a practical sense, it may be a useful advertisement or marketing tool, e.g., to show the public that the company is innovative, deter competitors from copying, persuade the public that the article has government approval, or even lead the public into thinking the article is better than others. 1. What are the legal benefits of IP marking? The most obvious benefit of indicating IP rights has to do with proving willfulness or allowing for a presumption of willfulness in infringement cases. In trademark infringement cases, willfulness is presumed. Specifically, any person who has infringed trademark rights or an exclusive license of another person who indicates that the trademark is registered shall be presumed to have been aware that the trademark was already registered, in relation to their infringement. In patent infringement cases, willful infringement is found when the conduct is deliberate and intentional, and with knowledge of the patent. If so, the court may increase the damages by up to three times the amount calculated or assessed (see here for a discussion of the treble damage system). In terms of punishment, any person who willfully infringes a patent shall be punished by imprisonment with labor for not more than 7 years or by a fine not exceeding 100 million Korean won (approx. $85,000 USD at current exchange rates). To prove the willfulness of patent infringement, the first requisite is that the infringer acknowledges the existence of IP rights. IP markings could come into play in this situation, and under certain fact-specific scenarios, the indication of patent rights may be useful to prove the knowledge or intention of the alleged infringer. 2. How should IP rights be marked on products? A patentee/licensee may indicate that their products are patented by using the wording “Patented” together with the patent number. For pending applications, an applicant may use the wording “Patent Pending (Under Examination)” with the application number. For inventions relating to a process for manufacturing a product, “Process Patented” or “Patent Pending for Process (Under Examination)” shall be marked on the product. Such wordings may also be used on the container or package of the product. A design right-holder may also place wording indicating their design registration on products covered by the registered design or containers or packaging materials of such products. Acceptable wordings are “Design Application” or “Design Under Examination” for pending applications, and “Registered Design”, “Design”, “Design Registration” or “Design Right” for registered designs. Likewise, where a trademark right holder or licensee uses a registered trademark, they may indicate that the trademark is registered. Examples of acceptable wordings are “Trademark Application” or “Trademark Under Examination” for pending applications, and “Registered Trademark”, “Trademark”, “Trademark Registration”, “Trademark Right” or the “®” symbol for registered trademarks. The indications of patent, design, or trademark rights may be expressed in English (including English abbreviation) or Chinese as well as Korean. Indication via internet links is also allowable. As an example, IP holders may mark a product with a link to a website showing a list of applicable patents, designs or trademarks. This also includes bar codes, QR codes, or other forms of electronic display means. 3. Should patent-marked products be identical to the claimed elements of the patent? The technical composition of a product marked as being patented must be the same as that of the patented invention. However, it may not always be deemed false marking even if the composition of the product only partially corresponds to the patented invention. Specifically, if the difference between the product and patented invention is merely an addition/deletion/modification of the technical composition that would be commonly carried out by those in the relevant technical field with ordinary knowledge, there is no practical difference in the effect of the invention, and the difference is not of an extent that would mislead the public, the conduct would not be considered false marking (Korean Supreme Court: Decision 2013Do10265). In addition, if the manufacturing of the patentee’s product embodies the core technical idea of the patent, so long as the difference between the product and patented invention is not of an extent that would mislead the public by exploiting either the commercial advantages afforded by the patent or the public’s trust in patents, it would not likely be deemed ‘false or exaggerated labeling or advertising’ prohibited under the Act On Fair Labeling And Advertising (Seoul High Court: Decision 2013Nu9931) 4. What are the consequences of false marking? False marking is a criminal offense. No person shall indicate “Patented”, “Patent Pending” or any similar misleading wording on any unpatented thing, anything for which no patent application has been filed, anything manufactured by any unpatented process or by any process for which no patent application has been filed, or any container or packaging of such thing. Any person who violates this rule shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years, or by a fine not exceeding 30 million Korean won (approx. $25,000 USD at current exchange rates). The same applies identically to false marking of design and trademark rights, with the same punishments. If IP rights are extinguished while products still remain in the market, this fact should be indicated accordingly unless there is already a clear indication of the IP term of protection. 5. What can be done if it is found that somebody else is falsely marking? If any IP markings considered to be false or improper are located, this fact can be notified to the Center for Prevention of False IP Marking (www.ip-navi.or.kr) which is operated in conjunction with the Korea IP Protection Agency (“KOIPA”) and the Korean IP Office (“KIPO”). If it is found that the markings are indeed false or improper, KOIPA or KIPO may recommend appropriate corrective measures such as deletion and modification of the markings.  Should the offender not comply with the corrective measures, KOIPA or KIPO may then file a criminal complaint in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Act.     Written by Ben YUU 

Practice Notes

Patentee protection strengthened in series of revisions to Korean patent law

In Korea, the low amount of damages awarded by courts in patent infringement cases has long been criticized. To address this, a treble damages system (implemented in July 2019) and an improved method for calculating the amount of damages (to be implemented on December 10, 2020) have been introduced. We will look at these in a little more detail, as well as a proposed law revision to improve evidence collection. Treble Damages The treble damages system allows the courts to multiply the proven amount of damages up to threefold in cases of ‘intentional’ infringement. Historically, under-compensation was common in patent infringement cases where the true amount of damage incurred was difficult to prove. The courts’ ability to now multiply the amount of proven damages alleviates this problem and allows for more effective compensation. The criterion by which infringement is deemed to be ‘intentional’ or not will become more apparent as relevant case law emerges, though the multiplier is determined based on a number of factors specified in law: Whether the infringer is in a position of superiority The degree of intent or the extent to which the infringer was aware of the potential damage The amount of damage suffered by the patent holder / exclusive licensee due to the infringement The economic benefits gained by the infringer The period and frequency of the infringement The fine for infringement The economic status of the infringer The degree of effort made by the infringer to alleviate damage While the intention of the Administration appears to be punitive compensation, from the perspective that the Korean civil law compensation system is based on compensatory damages, rather than being punitive, in my opinion, it is likely that the new system instead simply makes it more likely that patent owners are able to effectively obtain compensation sufficient to make up for the damage they have suffered. Damage Calculation The improved method for calculating damages will allow for a reasonable license fee for infringement in excess of the patentee’s own production capacity. Under the current law, damages are calculated up to the limit of the patentee’s own production capacity, even if the infringer exceeds this limit. (By way of a simple example, if an infringer sold 200 items while it is regarded that the patentee could only have produced 100 items in the same timeframe due to production constraints etc., the ‘excess’ 100 items are not included in the calculation of damages.) However, the revised law will allow for a reasonable licensee fee to be awarded in such cases, based on the following formula. Damages = [Patentee’s production capacity x Per-item profit] + [Excess x Reasonable license fee] Improved Evidence Collection To better protect patentees, further to the amendments already discussed above, the evidence collection system itself must be revised to better facilitate the securing of evidence relating to infringement and damages. A revision to the Patent Act relating to the so-called ‘K-Discovery’ system is currently under review. This is closely linked to the collection of evidence to prove infringement is ‘intentional’, a requirement of the treble damages system. The revision would allow courts in patent infringement litigation to nominate an expert who, either at the court’s ex officio direction or at the request of a party, would have authority to conduct an investigation at the site where infringement takes place (e.g. production facility) to obtain relevant evidence and submit the findings to the court. This may be considered similar to the inspection system available in Germany. While limited in scope when compared to the discovery system of evidence collection in the United States, these proposed changes to allow evidence to be collected at the court’s discretion should enable faster resolution of disputes while still keeping litigation costs relatively low. If the K-Discovery system becomes law, the protection available to patent holders could be strengthened to a much greater degree.     Written by Young-min KIM, Ben YUU

Practice Notes

Relaxing of Design Protection Act Enforcement Rules (from September 2020)

Continuing the trend for relaxed requirements for design applications (see our earlier updates here and here), the Enforcement Rules of the Design Protection Act have been further eased in several aspects, as explained in more detail below. 1. Mixed drawing formats (from September 1, 2020) While both 2D line drawings and 3D-rendered drawings are acceptable formats for drawings in a design application, it has always been the case that the same drawing format must be used in the original application and any subsequent amendments. In other words, if the application was filed with 2D line drawings, any later amendments also had to be 2D line drawings. This requirement has now been removed, and applicants are free to file amendments in either format, regardless of the format of the original drawings. 2. Font designs in TTF format (from September 1, 2020) While font files are commonly created and distributed using the True Type Font (TTF) format, in order to file for font design protection it was previously necessary to prepare separate drawings in a standard drawing format (e.g. TIFF or JPEG). However, design applications for fonts can now be based on TTF font files. 3. Further categories of design eligible for partial examination (from December 1, 2020) Designs sensitive to trends or which have a short life-cycle are subject to “partial” examination, which comprises a check of application formalities, industrial applicability and limited novelty requirements (cannot be a “widely known” design), but does not include substantive examination of novelty, creativity, etc. This enables rights owners to get their designs registered more quickly (see here for more information on examination timeframes). Partial examination was previously only applicable for designs in Locarno classes 02, 05, and 19, but this has now been expanded to include Locarno classes 01, 03, 09 and 11, with the full updated list shown below (class descriptions taken from the WIPO Locarno Classification tool). Class 01: Foodstuffs Class 02: Articles of clothing and haberdashery Class 03: Travel goods, cases, parasols and personal belongings, not elsewhere specified Class 05: Textile piece goods, artificial and natural sheet material Class 09: Packages and containers for the transport or handling of goods Class 11: Articles of adornment Class 19: Stationery and office equipment, artists’ and teaching materials Designs in all other Locarno classes will remain subject to full, substantive examination.     Written by Sung-yeon CHO, Jonathan MASTERS

Practice Notes

Free-riders please disembark: Supreme Court renders unfair competition decision in Hermès bag case

Is it unfair competition to add a newly created image to a bag similar in appearance to a bag well-known among consumers as being produced by luxury brand Hermès? Summary In a July 9, 2020 decision (case 2017da217847), the Korean Supreme Court considered whether the defendant’s acts of manufacturing/selling a bag of which the front, side, handle, cover, leather strap (belt design), and clasp were similar in appearance to those of the well-known luxury-brand Hermès’ bag (shown on the left below), but to which the defendant had added a large image of cartoon-style eyes (shown on the right below), fall under the provisions of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act (hereunder “Unfair Competition Act”). Hermès bag Defendant’s bag   As Hermès did not have registered design or trademark rights in the bags relevant to this matter (namely the Birkin/Kelly bags), the complaint was based on unfair competition law. The court ruled that provisions of the Unfair Competition Act relating to causing source confusion (Article 2-1(a)) and tarnishing distinctiveness/reputation (Article 2-1(c)) did not apply, but in contrast with the earlier instance decision did deem that the ‘catch-all’ provision of unfairly appropriating the results of others’ efforts was applicable (Article 2-1(j) in the applied version of the law in this case, but Article 2-1(k) in the current Act, shown below). Relevant Law Unfair Competition Act — Article 2-1 The term “act of unfair competition” means any of the following acts: … (k) Any other acts of infringing on other persons’ economic interests by using the outcomes, etc. achieved by them through substantial investment or efforts, for one’s own business without permission, in a manner contrary to fair commercial practices or competition order Decision In the earlier instance decision, the High Court stated that the defendant’s bag, which was marketed under the slogan “Fake for fun”, included the defendant’s original image covering most of the front of the bag, with the unfamiliar combination of various mixed images expressing creativity and realizing a new aesthetic. Giving general consideration to the creativity and cultural value of the defendant’s product, as well as the defendant’s promotion/sales activity and marketing strategy, the High Court went on to state that the defendant’s actions were not deemed to entail free-riding on the fame of Hermès’ products, and did not violate fair commercial practices or competition order. Further, the High Court stated that as the defendant’s products used shiny, inexpensive artificial leather and sparkly sequins which Hermès does not use, and the price of the goods, sales locations/methods and main customer base were also distinctly different, there was little chance of the defendant’s products being confused for Hermès’ products. For this reason, there was seen to be little concern that the defendant’s manufacture and sales activities would cause economic harm to Hermès or reduce Hermès’ market advantage, and so the defendant’s actions were not deemed to be infringing on other persons’ economic interests as required by Article 2-1(j) of the applied version of the Unfair Competition Act. However, the Supreme Court reached a different conclusion, stating that despite the ‘Fake for fun’ slogan, the form of the defendant’s bag was similar to Hermès’ and the intent to free-ride on the fame and awareness of Hermès’ bags is apparent; commercially selling a product by adding a new image to an item already widely known among consumers as that of another party cannot be seen as being in keeping with fair commercial practices or competition order. The Supreme Court noted that in order to utilize an item widely known among consumers as that of another party, an example of fair commercial practice would be cooperation/collaboration under a contract. The Supreme Court went on to state that Hermès limits the supply of their bags relevant to this case (the Birkin/Kelly bags), and the defendant’s sales of similar products could be an obstacle to maintaining their scarcity. Further, if the defendant was to continue manufacturing and selling their bag domestically, it could have an effect on the demand for Hermès products or result in potential consumers not purchasing Hermès products due to their scarcity or depreciation in value. Based on the above, the Supreme Court quashed the earlier decision and remanded the matter to the High Court, stating that the law was incorrectly applied when determining that the defendant’s actions did not come under the definition of unfair competition. Take-aways The Supreme Court exemplified cooperation/collaboration under a contract as being fair commercial practice, while having an intention to free-ride is not. As to how an intention to free-ride may be determined, it appears that the level of fame and awareness of the other party’s goods are important. As to whether economic interests are infringed, practical factors such as scarcity and depreciation (dilution) were considered. In the absence of practically any other remedy, the Supreme Court applied the general/supplemental ‘catch-all’ clause of the Unfair Competition Act, and in consideration of all of the above factors, I think that the Supreme Court’s determination that the defendant’s actions constitute unfair competition is appropriate. Based on this decision we must keep in mind that even for unregistered IP rights, if the original product is the result of substantial investment or efforts, any non-authorized commercial use could be considered an act of unfair competition, even if there is recognized to be separate creativity in the resulting product.   Written by Jae-sang LIM, Ben YUU

Practice Notes

Re-organization and pro-patent tendency of the Korean IP Trial & Appeal Board

In Korea, the Intellectual Property Trial & Appeal Board (IPTAB), the administrative tribunal of the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), handles appeals of final rejections from KIPO, as well as invalidation trials, cancellation (opposition) actions, etc. for patent, utility model, trademark and design rights. This article focuses on patents. The rate of patent invalidity in Korea is 40-50%, a relatively high figure compared to a rate of around 20% in the US and Japan. For this reason there has been somewhat of a lack of trust in patents, with difficulties in patent-based investment, technology finance, IP commercialization etc. being a knock-on effect. Recognizing these issues, the IPTAB has recently re-organized their trial boards, increasing the number from 11 to 36. The IPTAB president commented that this change is intended to reduce the rate of patent invalidity and subsequently promote a greater trust in patents. One particular limitation of the former 11-board system was a limited capacity to conduct oral hearings. In 2019, of a total 5,282 inter-partes trials, oral hearings were held for only 497 cases — 9% of the total. The increase to a 36-board system will mean more time available for review, allowing for the three trial judges to reach a reliable consensus, and for in-depth oral hearings to be held for inter-partes trials. Thus, in patent invalidation trials, judges will be better placed to construct logical reasons to exhaustively refute grounds or evidence presented to support a claim of invalidity, leading to an improvement (reduction) in the invalidity rate. KIPO has recently beefed up provisions to protect patent holders, such as allowing for up to treble damages in cases of intentional patent infringement, and for method of manufacture patents it has been made obligatory for alleged infringers to disclose their actual method of manufacture if a patent holder alleges a specific method is being used. However, if the rate of patent invalidity remains high, the practical effectiveness of such provisions will be limited, and so these efforts by the IPTAB to lower the patent invalidity rate are expected to be beneficial to patent holders.     Written by Young-min KIM

Practice Notes

South Korea – Recognition of Digital (Electronic) Signatures

The Korean Intellectual Property Office (“KIPO”) has recently published amended guidelines concerning digital identification, according to which digital signatures and digital notarization are deemed to have the same force as original handwritten versions of the same. This change stems from the recent revision of the Korean Digital Signature Act which prescribes deleting the requirements for certificates for digital signatures, and which will be effective from December 10, 2020. Effective immediately it is now possible to file any documents containing a digital signature and/or notarization with KIPO. Such documents include, but are not limited to, Powers of Attorney (POA; both specific and general), Deeds of Assignment, and Declarations. The new guidelines include some examples/requirements of acceptable digital signatures: 1. Digital signature (with appearance of handwritten signature) Signed using pad display Signature + Digital format Signature + Digital format properties Signed using computer mouse Image signature 2. Digital format (without appearance of handwritten signature) Text + Digital format properties Signature + Digital format properties Digital format       For these kinds of digital formats, it is necessary to provide additional information to verify the validity of signature properties. The following screenshots are examples provided by KIPO:   Q&A 1. Is it possible to utilize a copied image of a signature? No, it is not permitted to copy an image of a signature and insert it into a document. 2. If not accepted, what is the next step? KIPO will issue a formality office action (Notice to File an Amendment) if not convinced of the validity of the digital signature. The applicant may respond to the Notice by explaining the properties of the digital signature or filing supplementary materials. The response to the Notice should generally be filed within one or two months from its date of receipt, and this deadline can be extended on a monthly basis upon request with payment of the requisite extension fees. 3. Is it necessary to file an Assignment of Rights signed by the Inventor? A patent assignment from the inventor is not a requirement during prosecution, or in litigation such as a patent infringement suit. 4. What documents must be notarized? Is digital notarization acceptable? Documents relating to ownership changes (assignment etc.) and declarations are required to be signed and notarized. In principle, digital notarization is acceptable, if it verifies the validity of the signature property information. However, since KIPO has maintained a very strict standard for such documents, it is expected that additional explanation or evidence may be requested (e.g. original handwritten document). 5. Is government legalization required? No. It is sufficient for documents relating to ownership changes (assignment etc.) and declarations to be signed and notarized, without government legalization. However, in some exceptional cases where official documents issued by foreign governments are necessary, legalization is necessary to prove their effectiveness. 6. What is the governing law for digital signature? The main governing law is the Korean Digital Signature Act. 7. Is a digital signature legal, admissible, and enforceable? Yes. According to the revised Korean Digital Signature Act, digital identity itself should not be a reason to deny the validity of digital signatures/seals/stamps. * This update is also available as a PDF-format download: South Korea – Recognition of Digital/Electronic Signatures | 420.54 KB Download

Practice Notes

Supreme Court reaffirms criteria used to judge source confusion with “renowned” marks

The Supreme Court has recently dismissed an appeal in a trademark invalidation action under Article 7(1)(10) of the old Trademark Act (before promulgation of the current Act on February 29, 2016), which provided a relative ground for refusal based on potential consumer confusion with another party’s mark which is already “remarkably recognized” in Korea. The decision we are discussing (case 2019Hu12179; April 29, 2020) reaffirms the consistently applied criteria for judgement in such cases, that is, whether there is concern that consumers would readily associate a trademark in question with the existing renowned trademark, goods or business of another party, thereby bringing about source confusion. As the judgement relating to similarity of trademarks and overlap in consumers at the Patent Court (earlier instance) differed to that of the Supreme Court, the earlier judgement has been quashed and the matter remanded to the Patent Court. In the Supreme Court decision, the prior-registered mark “” was considered to be a renowned trademark at the time an application for “ ” (hereafter, “the subject mark”) was filed in class 18, and the “” part of the subject mark — said to be strongly distinctive — was considered to differ from the prior-registered mark only in the addition of the final “C” in terms of sound. Further, it was judged that the designated goods of both marks were similar and the consumer groups substantially overlap, and thus Article 7(1)(10) of the old Trademark Act applies to the subject mark. Whereas, in the Patent Court, the two marks were considered to be dissimilar, with the court recognizing that the plaintiff had operated with their trade name pronounced as “MICMAC Lab”, in accordance with the lower “” portion of the subject mark, and that consumers also used this name for the business. Further, given that the upper part of the subject mark contains dots between the English letters, it was considered probable that consumers would refer to the lower part of the mark, and thus be more likely to read the mark as “MICMAC” or “MICMAC LAB” rather than the individual letters “M – C – M – C”. However, the Supreme Court did not readily accept that consumers would widely consider the pronunciation of the subject mark to be “MICMAC” or “MICMAC LAB” based only on the fact the trade name “MICMAC LAB” was used by the defendant (= plaintiff in the earlier instance). It was also judged in the Patent Court that the overlap in consumers of “bags for snowboards” — which are used under the subject mark — and “bags” (recognized to indicate “fashion bags”) of the prior-registered mark would not be significant, while the Supreme Court conversely found that there is similarity in the designated goods and overlap in consumers of the two marks, and thus consumers would readily associate the subject mark with the prior-registered mark, bringing about source confusion. The conclusions as to trademark similarity in the two decisions differ depending on whether the subject mark was considered to be pronounced as per the defendant’s trade name in the lower “” part, and in my opinion the reason the Supreme Court did not admit that most consumers would pronounce the subject mark as per the defendant’s trade name is because the assertion that most consumers would be aware of the trade name was not sufficiently and objectively proven. Further, in the Patent Court, the goods on which the subject mark was actually used (bags for snowboards) — which were not a designated goods description covered by the trademark registration — were used when comparing the overlap in consumers with the prior-registered mark. However, as this case (an invalidation trial) was for determining ineligibility for trademark registration, I believe that it would be fairer to make comparison based on the designated goods listed under the registration of the subject mark, rather than other goods on which the mark is actually used. In such case, as the designated goods were not limited to “bags for snowboards” but did include “bags”, it would be natural to conclude that not only are the goods similar to the prior-registered mark, but there is also overlap in consumers. (A comparison was actually made considering the designated goods of both marks, but as the other party’s renowned mark was a registered trademark and the designated goods of the prior-registered mark also included “bags”, it did not affect the conclusion.) In this decision, judgements relating to Articles 7(1)(7) (ineligibility for trademark registration due to similarity with an earlier registered mark) and 7(1)(11)+7(1)(12) (ineligibility for trademark registration due to similarity with an earlier used mark) of the old Trademark Act — which were among the grounds for invalidation of the subject mark — were omitted. Reading between the lines, this can be understood to mean the Supreme Court presupposed that the prior-registered mark is a “renowned trademark” — the highest degree of fame accorded to prior-used trademarks — and as it was judged that the potential for consumer confusion with respect to such a renowned trademark did exist, saw no need to pass separate judgement on these grounds.     Written by Sung-yeon CHO  

Practice Notes

Unfair Competition: Putting unauthorized use of another person’s investment/efforts out to grass

The Supreme Court has recently ruled on a case in which the plaintiff, the owner of a golf course, complained about the unauthorized use of computer graphics by the defendant, who provided screen golf operators with digital reproductions of the golf course (case 2016Da276467; March 26, 2020). What might be the legal repercussions for using a reproduction of a golf course for commercial purposes in a screen golf establishment without the permission of the golf course owner? Article 2(1) of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act (hereafter “Unfair Competition Act”) enumerates various specific acts deemed to be unfair competition, with item 2(1)(k) — known as the “catch-all” clause — providing that an act of “infringing on other persons’ economic interests by using the outcomes, etc. achieved by them through substantial investment or efforts, for one’s own business without permission, in a manner contrary to fair commercial practices or competition order” is also considered unfair competition. The Supreme Court does not limit the interpretation of “outcomes, etc.” mentioned in the above provision to tangible property, meaning that certain forms of intangible property which were previously difficult to protect under existing IP laws may also be included. When such “outcomes, etc.” are judged, the Supreme Court has stated that their reputation and economic value, consumer attraction, and importance/competitiveness in the relevant commercial area must be considered in a comprehensive manner. Whether such “outcomes, etc.” were achieved “through substantial investment or efforts” is judged concretely and specifically with respect to the content and the extent of the investment or effort expended, in light of the practices and realities of the relevant business area. In using such “outcomes etc.” without permission, it must be possible to assess whether the infringed economic interests belong to the public domain and are thus freely available for anyone to use. Further, whether an act is deemed to be “for one’s own business without permission, in a manner contrary to fair commercial practices or competition order” will require comprehensive consideration of whether the owner and potential infringer are competitors or there is a likelihood of competition in the near future; the business practices and competitive order in the business area to which the “outcomes, etc.” claimed by the owner belong, and whether such practices and competition are fair; whether such “outcomes, etc.” can be replaced by the potential infringer’s goods or services in the marketplace; and the extent to which the “outcomes, etc.” are known to consumers and traders, as well as the likelihood of confusion among consumers and traders. The Supreme Court handed down a judgment on this case based on the aforementioned standards, determining that while the course itself is a copyright work of the designer, the comprehensive image of the course including externally expressed terrain, landscape, landscape components, facilities etc. which make up the actual golf course is separate to the design of the course alone, and is an outcome achieved through substantial investment or efforts of the plaintiff, who constructed and now operates the golf course. Accordingly, the defendant’s act of creating and using a 3D image of the golf course for use in screen golf simulation systems without the permission of the plaintiff — in which the golf course was reproduced almost identically — was deemed to be an infringement of the plaintiff’s economic interests by using the plaintiff’s “outcomes, etc.” for the defendant’s business without permission, in a manner contrary to fair commercial practices or competition order, thus falling under Article 2(1)(k) of the Unfair Competition Act. The takeaway from this case is that in infringement situations where the facts of the case make a claim for damage compensation under the Copyright Act or other IP laws challenging, if the infringed intangible/tangible property was achieved through substantial investment or efforts, and the actions of another party can be considered as being for their own business without permission, in a manner contrary to fair commercial practices or competition order, it may be possible to rely on Article 2(1)(k) of the Unfair Competition Act when seeking compensation for damages.     Written by Jae-sang LIM

Practice Notes

KIPO Examination Guidelines on Artificial Intelligence

With the fourth industrial revolution, applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are appearing in various fields and the technology is a hot topic of discussion. The Patent Examination Guidelines of the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) provide principles and examples related to patent eligibility and inventive step of AI related inventions, and KIPO has provided some AI-related patent examination cases in a recently-issued case book. Although the definition of an AI-related invention is not explicitly specified, KIPO defines it as a computer/software-related invention for performing specific functions using AI training. Thus, the general Korean patent rules related to computer/software inventions can still apply to AI-related inventions. However, due to the AI-specific details involved in the various aspects of components, additional AI-specific guidelines are also provided by KIPO. For example, the recent case book generally states that AI-related inventions may involve generating trained models based on training data and a learning model (AI learning modeling invention), or performing specific functions by applying the training data and/or the trained model to various technical fields (AI application invention). Patent Eligibility Article 2 of the Korean Patent Act defines an “invention” as “the highly advanced creation of a technical idea utilizing the laws of nature”. Although software inventions (including AI inventions) are not considered to wholly utilize the laws of nature, the Patent Examination Guidelines prescribe requirements under which computer-related inventions are considered to be patent-eligible where information processing by software is implemented in detail using hardware. More specifically, the Guidelines state that computation or processing of unique information according to the purpose of use should be implemented by specific means or methods in which software and hardware co-operate, and thereby a unique information processing apparatus or an operating method thereof according to the purpose of use should be established. In addition, with regard to AI-related inventions, the Guidelines further require that the same effect must be repeatedly achievable without intervention based on human mental activity. Accordingly, if an algorithm corresponding to an AI invention is implemented using hardware, the invention may be recognized to be patent-eligible under these requirements. Description Requirements  Like inventions in other technical fields, AI inventions should follow the Korean patent rules which provide that a detailed description of an application should be clearly and concretely described such that a person skilled in the art can easily practice the invention, and the invention of claims should be supported by the detailed description. The recently issued AI invention case book includes a case that did not meet the requirements with regard to AI inventions, explaining that if a claim recites features related to a correlation between input training data and output data of a trained model, if the detailed description merely lists a plurality of items of training data and does not concretely describe the correlation, the detailed description is not clearly described. Furthermore, in this case, the claim may not be considered to be supported by the detailed description. Although these conclusions were based on general Korean patent rules, the examination result shows an example of explicit standards for determining whether an AI-related invention meets the description requirements. Assessment of Inventive Step As the Patent Act and Examination Guidelines related to inventive step are quite inclusive, neither the relevant parts of the Act nor the Guidelines have been majorly affected by the appearance of new concepts of invention. Although it seems that KIPO tends to maintain a high threshold when judging inventive step for AI-related inventions, the conventional general standard related to inventive step has not itself changed due to AI inventions. Nevertheless, the Patent Examination Guidelines and the case book provide some additional guidance related to the AI-specific characteristics. As a general rule prescribed in the Guidelines, simply implementing a previously or generally known technology with artificial intelligence technology without specifying unique information processing performed via a learning model is not considered to involve an inventive step. Additionally, as mentioned above, AI-related inventions may involve components corresponding to the training data and the learning model. The cases introduced by KIPO fall into several categories based on the components: Case 1 is where a claimed invention and a cited invention are substantially the same in terms of technical field and training data, but are different in terms of a learning model. If an improved effect can be achieved by the difference, inventive step can be recognized. Case 2 is the same as case 1 except that the difference in the learning model is merely a simple design modification. In this case, inventive step is not recognized. However, if there are differences in specific features other than the training data and the learning model and the differences exhibit an improved effect, inventive step can be recognized. Case 3 is where a claimed invention and a 1st cited invention are substantially the same in terms of technical field and learning model, but are different in terms of training data. If a 2nd cited invention has the feature corresponding to the training data, and there is no difficulty in combining the cited inventions, inventive step is not recognized. Case 4 is where a claimed invention and a 1st cited invention are substantially the same in terms of technical field and training data, but are different in terms of learning model. If a 2nd cited invention has the feature corresponding to the learning model, and there is no difficulty in combining the cited inventions, inventive step is not recognized. It seems that KIPO tends to apply a higher threshold when assessing inventive step concerning a difference in training data compared to that of a learning model. Conclusion Under Korean patent law, it currently appears that AI-related inventions are still considered to come under computer/software inventions, albeit with some unique additional aspects. Although there remains some doubt as to whether the Korean Patent Examination Guidelines sufficiently reflect the characteristics of AI-related inventions, such details or characteristics of AI-related invention are gradually being reflected more clearly. Accordingly, while complying with the current guidelines, it will be necessary to keep an eye on future developments in the Guidelines as well as related trends.     Written by Byung-kyu KIM

Practice Notes

Timing of Double Jeopardy Judgement in Patent Trials

Article 163 of the Korean Patent Act (‘Non bis in idem’) relates to double jeopardy, and provides that no person may demand a re-trial based on the same facts and evidence once a trial ruling on the same becomes final and conclusive. In the case of an invalidation trial, for instance, “the same facts and evidence” may refer to the grounds for invalidation (e.g. inventive step) and evidence (e.g. prior art). Accordingly, once a decision on the merits of such a trial (hereafter the ‘earlier trial’) has become final and conclusive, a subsequent trial filed based on the same facts and evidence (the ‘later trial’) is not permissible. Invalidation trials in Korea are inter partes actions, but as a ruling on validity/invalidity has a general effect, the manner in which double jeopardy is applied is important. In particular, the point in time at which it is determined whether there is an earlier final and conclusive judgement on the merits in an earlier trial and the point in time at which it is determined whether “the same facts and evidence” exist with respect to a later trial can be problematic. Before, the existence of an earlier final and conclusive trial ruling was determined at the time of ruling in a later trial. However, this was changed according to a January 19, 2012 en banc Supreme Court decision (case 2009Hu2234), following which the timing of such determination was brought forward to when the later trial is filed. Based on this, if the ruling in an earlier trial only became final and conclusive after the later trial had been filed, the provisions relating to double jeopardy would not apply. On April 9, 2020 another Supreme Court decision relating to the timing for determining the existence of “the same facts and evidence” was handed down (case 2018Hu11360). This decision clarifies that for patent invalidation trials, the point in time at which it is determined whether the “same facts and evidence” exist in an earlier trial is when the trial decision is issued by the Intellectual Property Trial and Appeal Board (IPTAB) in the later trial. The history of this recent case is as follows: an invalidation action filed by Party C concerning Party B’s registered patent was dismissed (i.e. the patent was deemed to be valid) and such decision became final and conclusive; Party A subsequently filed an invalidation action based on the same facts and evidence, and the IPTAB dismissed the action based on double jeopardy; Party A then appealed this decision to the Korean Patent Court and raised a new ground for invalidation which was not dealt with in the earlier instance; the appeal was dismissed by the Patent Court, and Party A further appealed up to the Supreme Court. In dismissing Party A’s appeal, the Supreme Court ruled that “when determining if the provisions of double jeopardy apply, the IPTAB must consider all of the amended facts and evidence from the time the trial was filed until the time of ruling and, on the basis of the time of ruling, determine whether the filed trial is based on the same facts and evidence as an earlier final and conclusive ruling”, going on to conclude that “the trial-requesting party is not permitted to present new grounds for invalidation [in a Patent Court action] which were not dealt with during the trial”. In short, when making a determination on double jeopardy, the existence of an earlier final and conclusive trial ruling is determined at the time of filing of a later trial, and whether the case relates to the same facts and evidence is determined at the time of ruling in the later trial. Practically speaking this means that before a ruling in an earlier invalidation trial becomes final and conclusive, a third party may file a separate invalidation trial based on the same facts and evidence, and during the course of this separate trial may present new invalidation grounds or evidence (e.g. new prior art) in the knowledge that when the determination is made as to whether the facts and evidence in the two trials are the same — i.e. at the time of ruling of the later trial — if the facts and evidence have since become different, the matter will not be deemed to fall within the definition of double jeopardy.     Written by Young-min KIM


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